Sunday 12 January 2014

Chrysalis High - PUPA (Prior Understanding of Pupil Attributes)

P.U.P.A (Prior Understanding of Pupil Attributes) is an initiative of Chrysalis High to enable the teacher to understand the children even before the academic year has started. PUPA is a collaborative effort which involves the parent as well as the teacher.

Chrysalis High would like to be a school with a difference in more than one way. Here teachers do not instruct the child the do’s and don’ts but unfold all that is there in each one of them in terms of her/his innate potentialities, aptitudes. This brings us to the next endeavor, the P.U.P.A (Prior Understanding of Pupil Attributes).

Instead of relying on brief notes of an admission form, our teachers spend time with each parent individually in an effort to know the child, his favorite TV programs, his fears, what makes him laugh, what word he uses for water or food little things that will help the teacher handle the child in a way which is optimal to his learning. Every little detail learnt from you will be preserved for the whole academic year. Over the month the teacher will add her observations and record anecdotes that shape your child.

The PUPA meet facilitates the process of development and transition of the little buds into beautiful flowers. We got to know and understand the children through the word of parents. During the meet, the anxious parents breaths a sign of relief as we ventured to work in collaboration with them to give the best to the little ones. Our goal is set, our strategy is child oriented the result is obvious.

Parents are the building blocks to the child’s future. A strong academic foundation is what this is built on. To ensure the right cohesion and direction towards the endeavor, an informal coffee meet is held. Thus started the new chapter and era in the formation of the brightest and more comprehensive heads that would step out of institution to carve a niche in annals of time to come.

At the beginning of the next academic year, the previous class teacher sits with the new class teacher and shares each child’s progress and personality individually, helping her gain a prior understanding of each pupil’s attributes. And this process continues till the child is in school, ensuring that the teachers spend most of their time in the child’s learning & not on just understanding the child.  With the PUPA program, the child has each day a new beginning, each day a new challenge.